
United with Israel

In the wake of the October 7th attack, NYNJ NCSY was one of the first organizations to collect and send much needed supplies to Israel. Simultaneously, we distributed tzitzit and Shabbat candles; enabling our teens to take on new mitzvot in the merit of their Israeli brothers and sisters.

Since October 7th, we have received 18 requests for new JSU clubs in public schools throughout the region and teen attendance in our existing programs has nearly doubled. While Israel fights a war against terror, our teens are fighting a battle against antisemitism - and we are laying the groundwork to help them do so.

Last summer, NYNJ NCSY sent 806 teens and 104 adults to Israel to experience the summer of a lifetime. This summer, we plan to send teens and adults to Israel once again where they will participate in various opportunities to rebuild, give back, and connect to our home.

450 “We Stand With Israel” wristbands given out to JSU students in public schools

4G Queens opens and explodes at first event where they wrote letters for chayalim

Over 70 public school teens went to the rally in Washington, DC with NYNJ NCSY

400 Shabbos packets given out to Jewish teens in public school across NY & NJ

Night of song and solidarity in the Five Towns

Public school teens committing to putting on tefillin

Letters from our teens to chayalim in Israel